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Lecture: Michelangelo  in the 21st century

What would have happened if Michelangelo was born and educated in the 21st century?
Would education systems have provided full expression to his originative ideas?

And now the lecture in a celebration of paintings, nature, and science!
Michelangelo in the 21st century

Discover how the 5 E’s strategy empowers every teacher with innovative teaching-learning skills and serves as a platform to enhancing teaching-learning processes in school.

Experience a process of opening-up to creativity by peacock paintings! Some relate arrogance to peacocks, but that is personification. The peacock presents his true colors confidently without fears. This is how we would like our children to grow, safely expressing their innate gifts. The peacock tells stories of nature and science: From structural coloration through courting colors to the handicap theory. So, the lecture inspires about multidisciplinarity as a tool to foster creativity. Outline the way for elementary school students to acquire reading and writing proficiency while keeping and promoting their inborn creativity, and for middle and high school students to expand their thinking skills, researching while making original connections. The host, Michelle Korenfeld, has combined through extensive research her professional creativity education experience with teaching-learning theories and methods, to make creative education simple and fun for you!

Michelle's vision is that at the age of accelerated use of AI, our children, who are the generation most affected by that, gain the most effective tools for creative problem-solving. The lecture, Michelangelo in the 21st Century, gives practical tools to train students to think creatively, so they will know how to leverage accurate and rich prompts. That way they will become the great influential leaders of the years to come. The lecture is a rich experience of art, nature and science. It gives not only energies for creativity, but also tools and fresh teaching ideas. It gives a strategy – an anchor, to lead the way from the child’s inner voice to success and achievement. It supports not only the whole child, but also the whole teacher. It helps teachers mentor students in autonomous and collaborative learning processes, and guide them on making original educational products igniting agency. That way, knowledge is constructed together with nurturing virtue, creativity, ethics, and creative problem-solving, that will help learners leverage the use of AI in their future work environment.

Lecture to foste creativity

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